Day: January 14, 2022

Travelling Sustainably Should be the New NormalTravelling Sustainably Should be the New Normal

Foreign exchange student programs allow selected students to experience studying in another country and expose them to another culture. This is an exciting way of learning and enhancing a person’s knowledge and experience. 

In line with this, statistics have shown that the amount of foreign exchange students increased from 2011 to 2019 in Hong Kong. Specifically, there were a total of 4,414 incoming exchange students in 2011. In comparison, the number increased by 2,278 in 2019. This gained a total of 6,692 foreign incoming exchange students in 2019.

With this, foreign exchange students should also be able to contribute to Hong Kong’s initiatives of creating zero carbon schools. These specially selected students should also be capable to contribute to the environmental initiatives of the foreign country which they will then be calling their second home.

Here are some things foreign exchange students can do in order to contribute to Hong Kong’s initiatives of producing zero carbon.

  1. Go for an eco-friendly and sustainable accommodation

If the foreign school does not offer an accommodation, the foreign exchange student can opt to look for an accommodation that is also eco-friendly and sustainable. In addition, the foreign student can opt to use green websites for their hunt for a temporary new home.

  1. Go for the sustainable travel agent

In instances where in the school will give the foreign student independence in their travel itinerary, the foreign student should opt to book from a sustainable travel agent. This will ensure that the student will have their complete booking itinerary and Hong Kong will have greater environmental impact. This is a win-win scenario for the foreign exchange student, for the sustainable travel agent, for the country, and for the environment.

  1. Sustainable transportation is still better

Considering that the enhancement of transportation is one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases that cause global warming, opting for a more sustainable method for transportation is still the better option. Making use of the public transportation or going around using a bike or simply walking can definitely take a person to places much better than what their destination is.